Results of the vote on the future of the CI Branch

As you know the committee asked the Membership to vote on whether we should be considering either:

to disband the CI branch & be subsumed within a mainland branch of SDGR

or, to remain as a separate CI branch of the SDGR

The results are as follows :

88% voted to stay in the CI Branch

12% voted to consider joining a mainland one

There were 37 votes cast.

With this in mind the committee’s view is that we see no point in pursuing the issue with the SDGR and we propose to continue as we have been.

Autumn Meeting, 18 September 2021


Agenda of Meeting, Sat Sept 18th 2021– St Pierre du Bois

  1. Remembering members who have died – (Barrie Linnecor (13/3/2021) & Philip Maddocks (2/6/2021))
  2. Apologies for absence: Jersey (impossible scheduled travel options), W&P Guild master – Pete Jordan. Paul Lawrence, John Lihou, Tim Wainwright. & Logan Lord
  3. Notification of matters for AOB please bear in mind Jsy can’t get here
  4. Minutes of ADM 2020 – online at Matter arising
  5. New members   (Richard Uzell ( St Anne’s & probationary))
  6. Treasurer’s report – online at
  7. Ringing Master’s report
  8. Election of officers: any proposals for officers? Current officers are all willing to remain in post if that is the will of the meeting.
  9. AOB
  10. Date and venue for Spring Meeting – Sat April 23rd 2022? Jersey or TC
  11. Competition piece for 8 bell – Grandsire triples PBPBPBPS x2
  12. Update on transfer of CI from W&P to SDG
  13. Defer decision on whether Ay youngsters now at college in Gsy can ring for 2 Island Teams in 8 bell competition due to Jsy absence
CI District Accounts 2021

The Channel Islands Pirates

The Channel Islands Pirates will be taking part in competition in York July 4th:-)

27 teams have entered but the organisers have split them into method ringing and call changes teams so all 27 teams can enter (there had been the threat of a ballot if more than 24 teams entered)

We will be a method team, probably Bob Triples.

40 yrs ago

40 years ago Peter & I rang our first qtr peal. We rang it together, I had the treble as I could see it (but not hear it) & Peter rang the tenor as he could hear it but couldn’t see it:-(
We couldn’t let this anniversary slide by even though we were in Tulloch and half the band was away, so we resorted to handbells:
It was good fun:-)

Moving the ADM – Sept 19th 2020 ADM to be held on Guernsey

The Alderney band – faced with the reality that Jersey will be unable to join us in Sept 2020 for the ADM if we retain the opportunity to host the meeting – surrender that option.
We are most anxious that any reference to ‘moving the venue to another island’ is couched in terms which reflect our surrendering the option is NOT because we don’t want to/can’t host it but because we want to give every island the best chance of attending.
This is to be considered a one-off surrendering, we fervently hope that present inter-island travel difficulties will not persist too far into the future.
The Alderney Band

Ay youngsters go to Jsy

Alderney young ringers – Aaron & Olo – enjoyed a tremendous weekend of ringing, zipwire, cinema and pizza on Jersey Nov 23/24th. Having an opportunity to ring on different bells & with other Young Ringers was a tremendously valuable experience. We were extremely grateful to Justin & Louise for all the arrangemnets and to them, Peter & Jo and Richard for accommodating us all. Helen & Aileen