Autumn Meeting September 2021

Sat Sept 18th 2021– St Pierre du Bois


Minutes Sept 18th 2021


  1. Remembering members who have died
    1. Barrie Linnecor (13/3/2021) & Philip Maddocks (2/6/2021)
  2. Apologies for absence: Jersey (impossible scheduled travel options), W&P Guild master – Pete Jordan. Paul Lawrence, John Lihou, Tim Wainwright. & Logan Lord
  3. Notification of matters for AOB – please bear in mind Jsy can’t get here
  4. Minutes of ADM 2020 – online at Matter arising
  5. New members
    1. Richard Uzell ( St Anne’s & probationary)
  6. Treasurer’s report – online at
  7. Ringing Master’s report
  8. Election of officers: any proposals for officers? Current officers are all willing to remain in post if that is the will of the meeting.


  1. Date and venue for Spring Meeting – Sat April 23rd 2022? Jersey or TC?
  2. Competition piece for 8 bell – Grandsire triples PBPBPBPS x2
  3. Update on transfer of CI from W&P to SDG
  4. Defer decision on whether Ay youngsters now at college in Gsy can ring for 2 Island Teams in 8 bell competition due to Jsy absence
CI District Accounts 2021