Starting on Monday April 9th, 2018, the Vale practice night, which for many years has started at 7.45 and finished at 9.15pm, will start at 7.30 and finish at 9.00pm.
There will be no practice on Easter Monday this year.
John David, Tower Secretary.
Friday April 27th
6pm QP Cambridge S Major, St John
7.30pm St Mark, practice night
Saturday April 28th
9am -10.30am St Mark, General ringing (Special method: London New Bob Minor)
11am -12.30pm St John, General ringing (Special method: Single Oxford Bob Triples)
12noon Lunch laid out in church
12.30pm Meeting and team order draw.
If no change to rules:
12.40-1.10 visiting band practice
1.15 Competition pieces
If rules change:
12.40 Competition pieces
1.45 Courses of little bob major focusing on striking (not the method).
2.30 – 4.30pm General ringing (Special method: 3 leads of Kent TB and 3 leads of Belfast)
3.30pm Pause for the results and raffle
5pm -6pm St Mark, General ringing (Special method: Cumberland Bob Doubles)
7.30pm QP, St Mark?
Service ringing St mark’s 09.15-10.00am
Quarter Peal London S Major, St John’s 10.30am
1-5pm QP slots or practices or handbells or a mixture of all three – TBC
Agenda for meeting
1. Apologies for absence
2. Vote on change of rules
3. New members
4. ADM Sept 8th 2018 – Forest, Gsy
Rules for CI District Annual 8 bell inter-island Competition – Spring Meeting
1. The venue will rotate around the islands in the same manner as the 6 bell competition
2. The committee will set the method & touch for each competition by the end of October for the following spring competition
3. Members of each team must be fully paid up members of the Guild and be a regular and active ringer in the island they represent.
4. The 2 visiting bands to have 15 mins practice on the morning of the competition
5. The order of ringing will be decided by ballot.
6. Each team to have 2 minutes practice.
7. The treble shall be rung to indicate that the team is about to commence the test piece.
8. The rounds before and after the test piece will be unmarked
Note: It is hoped that wherever possible a District team will ring 4th as a practice for the Guild 8 bell competition.
Proposed New Rules
Rules for CI District Annual 8 bell inter-island Competition – Spring Meeting
1. The venue will rotate around the islands in the same manner as the 6 bell competition
2.The competition ringing will comprise either:
• 224 changes in any Triples or Major method(s) of the team’s own choice. All of the changes (but not the rounds before or after) will be judged.
• Call changes. The team may choose the changes to be rung but all the bells except the tenor are to take a turn at leading. The opening rounds and the stand will not be judged. Teams must ring for at least five minutes after the first change is called.
3. Members of each team must be fully paid up members of the Guild and be a regular and active ringer in the island they represent.
4. The order of ringing will be decided by ballot.
5. Each team to have 6 minutes practice.
6. The treble shall be rung to indicate that the team is about to commence the test piece.
7. The rounds before and after the test piece will be unmarked
Note: At the discretion of the Ringing Master a Scratch Team may be entered into this competition