Results of 8 bell Inter-island. Judge Jack Page. Test piece Little bob major (WHWsH) x 2
Jack outlined that he had had plenty of opportunity to ring the bells at Wells. They had limited odd-struckedness, & that it was very easy to ring them too slowly. He had been worried that his vantage point in the kitchen would have permitted him to recognise the voices of the ringers but he was pleased to report that although he could hear the bells clearly, he couldn’t recognise any voices
Team A (Gsy): The team started confidently, their practice time had all been put to good use. The was much good ringing from various individuals – the 8 set a good beat and the 7 worked well with the 8, however the band needed to ring better together. In particular they needed to make sure that their leading wasn’t too quick and that the bells really reached the back at the end of the change. They recovered well from 2 method mistakes. Peal time 3hrs 4 mins
Team B (Ay): Peal time here 3hrs 5mins. This team spent the practice time NOT ringing Little Bob but then they appeared to learn it as once the practice time was finished they did ring Little Bob. They produced some pleasant ringing, the tenor set a good pace which was matched by the 6 & 7. Clip avoidance at the back was the tactic employed by this band which did result in the bells slowing down, the treble rang well which kept the front moving nicely
Percentage scores : A 65% & B74%. Winners were Alderney