Aaron goes to Birmingham

The Assoc of Ringing Teachers hosted its annual Masterclass in Birmingham on Sat Sept 8th. It is open to all students who have achieved Level 5 of their training scheme in the previous year. Aaron Hallett started ringing in  2015 when the boys of Elizabeth College came over to Alderney on their annual bellringing trip & he was invited to join them up the tower. Aaron passed Level 1 on 23/11/15, he has made steady progress through levels 2, 3 & 4 securing his Level 5 certificate on 30/4/17, he was delighted to be able to accept the invitation and go to Birmingham last weekend

The Birmingham Masterclass weekend gave Aaron an opportunity to ring on many different bells & with different people. Birmingham is home to some of the Record Length Bellringers who visited Alderney last October. A number of these World Class ringers were tutors over the weekend and one was allocated to Aaron as his personal mentor for the day.

Aaron was able to practice Cambridge Major, Stedman Doubles and call changes on 16 (!) with these very experienced ringers, he also took part in a very interesting listening Skills workshop. He gave a presentation to the Alderney Band upon his return detailing his experiences in Birmingham.

Photo shows Aaron ringing one of the 16 bells in St Martin’s Parish Church, The Bullring , Birmingham


6 bell Striking Competition

St. Mark’s Jersey win the Inter-Island 6 bell striking competition.

Congratulations go to St. Mark’s Jersey on their victory in the Striking competition. 6 bands entered this year, 3 from Guernsey and 3 from Jersey. Unfortunately due to a wedding commitment Alderney were unable to send a band.

Alan and Marjorie Winter from Cambridge were the judges, they congratulated each team on delivering some high quality ringing all of which would have been very acceptable on a Sunday morning. After a few general comments they delivered the following results:-

1st St. Mark’s Jersey – 26 Faults

2nd St. John’s A Jersey – 60 Faults

3rd (equal) Elizabeth College Guernsey – 63 Faults

3rd (equal) Forest Guernsey – 63 Faults

5th St. John’s B Jersey – 66 Faults

6th Town Church Guernsey – 76 Faults

Trophy.jpg  Winning Band.jpg

Pictures show William Read receiving the Trophy and the winning band.

Congratulations to all who entered.

Steve Rossiter




22 ringers and friends from the Coventry area descended on Alderney on Weds Sept 5th. With the first half of the group arriving at 8.45 and the final stragglers leaving on the 18.20 we had their company for the whole day. Ringing took place at both St Anne’s and the Training Centre, and we also gave some of the group their first taste of handbell ringing. The group were of mixed experience and of course very friendly so the local ringers were invited to join them at both towers. Everyone had an opportunity to explore the island and all reported a very clear intention to return for a ‘proper’ holiday – not just a day trip.

Photo: some of the Coventry ringers in St Anne’s belfry